High-end intelligent manufacturing projects light up the future

China Smart City Network 本站 2016-05-17 207

 The most cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements, the top technical team, the most innovative ideas...40 projects can be called "great" to compete in the Cloud Guizhou Business Model Competition。Now, the experts of the competition organizing committee are nervously selecting the 21 projects that will eventually enter the field roadshow of the Expo finals, and the final prize will be announced soon。Compared with the first competition last year, this year's competition has more entries, higher technology content, more cattle and more down-to-earth teams。

       Statistics released by the organizing committee show that a total of 10,676 projects have registered for this year's competition, more than 2,000 more than last year's 8,600 projects。At the same time, coupled with the four branches of the competition that are ongoing, the total participating teams of the competition reached more than 13,000, and the number of participants exceeded 20,000, and the Cloud Guizhou Big Data Business Model Competition once again stabilized the advantage of the first similar competition in the country。

       At the same time, the participating teams of this year's competition have more gold content, and most of the hundreds of high-quality projects entering the semi-final stage have extremely excellent technical teams and master world-leading technology。PhD graduates and even professors from prestigious universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University are the core of the team. Visible light conduction technology, neuron-level processors, the world's smallest and fastest flash memory, fast and accurate image search engine, microwave microscopy technology, single molecule DNA sequencing technology and so on are too busy to handle。

       "I did my master's in quantum physics and my PhD in management, but it's not worth mentioning here。One of the players who participated in the final laughed at himself, and he knew that a mountain was higher than a mountain, because there were many other masters in the team who had many years of work experience in Silicon Valley, and set academic and practical application in a master。

       It is worth mentioning that in this competition, intelligent manufacturing projects accounted for more than 30%。Contest Tsinghua station rematch judge Tui Holdings vice president, TuI venture capital chairman Luo Zhuo said in an interview,When the concept of big data comes to today, we should return to the origin of the problem,Data collection is good,Storage is good,The final point of analysis is what kind of product can we make,Guizhou is actively developing the big data industry,The participating teams have core technical strength,Smart manufacturing projects are more suitable for the development of Guizhou,Guizhou should do so more intelligent manufacturing,Do core technology enterprises please go to Guizhou to develop。