Robots, 3D printing to become ordinary Made in China 2025 What

China Smart City Network 本站 2016-05-16 216

May 8, 2016, is the first anniversary of The State Council's "Made in China 2025"。Over the past year,Li KeqiangThe Prime Minister paid great attention to this and focused on reform。He once said: "The Internet + mass innovation + Made in China 2025, combined with each other for industrial innovation, will give birth to a 'new industrial revolution'."。”

China intelligent Manufacturing

The new normal of industrial Internet

Secretary General of the Global Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Alliance (Silicon Valley), German Industry 4.Xia Yana, executive director of the Institute and author of "Made in China 2025: Industrial Internet Opens a New Industrial Revolution", said that the past 20 years are the golden 20 years of consumer Internet, and the next 30 years are the key 30 years of industrial Internet。

A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation,It is bringing about the reshaping and reshuffling of the international industrial division of labor,如今,"Internet + Manufacturing" has been regarded as a vent to release new dividends of China's industry,The driving force for the development of manufacturing powers no longer simply depends on resource elements such as land and manpower,And more rely on information technology, intelligent hardware for innovation drive。The technological innovation of the industrial Internet, especially cloud computing, big data, intelligent terminals and ubiquitous networks, will form a new and indestructible force。

"Made in China 2025" plan,It is a positive measure taken by the Chinese government in the new wave of industrial revolution,It is not to deny the past achievements of Chinese manufacturing,But under the "new normal.,Emphasize the fundamental role of manufacturing in China's economy,How to plan seriously from factor driven, investment driven to innovation-driven,And how to upgrade a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power。

过去,The factory is only concerned with the design and production of products,The sale of the product is the end of the profit,But now,Selling the product is only the first step,The factory can remotely support, maintain, operate and manage the product lifecycle through Internet technology,To provide customers with a complete set of solutions,Form a service-oriented manufacturing model that integrates manufacturing and service,A new path to build the whole industrial chain of "Internet + manufacturing"。

3D printing

It shapes almost everything

The future of industry lies in big data, cloud technology, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, wearable technology, 3D printing, information network, intelligent manufacturing,New energyNew materials, can be used in biochemical, aerospace, medical, software and other high value-added manufacturing。

In the past, the U.S. military has needed to stockpile more than $10 billion of spare parts to facilitate timely supply of military needs around the world。

Now, the U.S. military's large aircraft carriers can extract all the chemical and metal elements through seawater treatment and wastewater desalination, and then feed them into special 3D printers to instantly produce missiles, aircraft, rifles, and even replace skin and make food。

In fact, 3D printing is not a new technology, 3D printers have been quietly working in manufacturing machine shops for decades。Over the past few years, 3D printing technology has developed rapidly, driven by computing power, new design software, new materials, innovation and advances in the Internet。

3D printers rely on computer instructions to build products by stacking layers of raw materials。For most of human history, we made new physical objects by cutting raw materials or by molding them into molds。

The technical name of 3D printing is "additive manufacturing", which is a more appropriate description of the actual printing process。The unique manufacturing technology of 3D printing allows us to produce objects in an unprecedented variety of shapes。

Voxels give rise to active, intelligent raw materials。Unlike the non-intelligent parts we can 3D print today, in the future we will be able to print intelligent systems, such as a working mobile phone。3D printers will create smart fabrics, life forms of off-the-shelf robots, and machines that can learn, respond, and think。We can print physical objects with digital intelligence connotations。

One day, 3D printing will extend artificial intelligence from computers to the real world, and robots will be a thing of the past。

"Manufacturing behind Manufacturing"

In 2013, Germany took the lead in introducing "Industry 4" to the world.Zero national strategy ", wants to compete for the global leadership of the new industrial revolution。This is a fight for the future。So how does Made in China 2025 face this competition?

"Strong manufacturing capabilities, export orientation based on first-class products and services, stakeholder focused corporate governance, emphasis on SME development, a well-educated workforce, developed infrastructure, and comprehensive structural reforms.。This is known as the "German model."。In careful analysis, this is actually the "China model"。Overtaking on Corners: From German Industry 4.In the book "0 to Made in China 2025", Chinese and foreign economists found that China and Germany not only have similar values and basic mechanisms, but also similar reform goals。Therefore, how to learn from the experience of the German manufacturing industry, learn the thinking mode of the German people, do not go to extremes, and be good at combining the enthusiasm of individuals, the enthusiasm of enterprises and the needs of the whole society is a very realistic problem。

Of course, there are many answers and ideas in the book。I like the conclusion of Feng Xingyuan, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: "We will not take the detours that others have taken;We will not take detours that others have not taken before;We take the shortcut that others have taken;We should take the short cut that others have not taken before。”

Perhaps, for the new industrial revolution, there is no way in the world, you lead the way, out of the road。