Huawei joins forces to attack 'smart cities'

China Smart City Network 本站 2016-05-12 212
【中国,北京,May 11, 2016: Huawei and Aerospace Science and Industry Intelligent Industry Development Co., Ltd. jointly announced yesterday,The two sides signed a strategic cooperation agreement,We will carry out in-depth cooperation in the joint expansion of smart city projects and the joint development of smart application solutions,Jointly promote the development of smart city information construction。Yang Ping, vice president of Huawei Enterprise BG China, Ge Zhaoli, Minister of value-added Channel, Quan Chunlai, chairman of Aerospace Science and Industry Intelligent Industry Development Co., LTD., and Zhou Xiang, general manager, attended the signing ceremony。
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Ge Zhaoli, Director of Value-added Channel Department of Huawei Enterprise BG China (first from left), Yang Ping, Vice President of Huawei Enterprise BG China (second from left), Quan Chunlai, Chairman of Aerospace Science and Industry Intelligent Industry Development Co., LTD. (second from right), Zhou Xiang, General Manager of Aerospace Science and Industry Intelligent Industry Development Co., LTD. (first from right)
In recent years,Smart cities are getting more and more attention,Smart city construction projects continue to emerge;It aims to improve the efficiency of government governance, improve the level of people's livelihood services, and promote the development of economic industries,The construction of smart cities using information technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing and big data has become an important driving force for the development of informatization。
    Aerospace Wisdom and Huawei have always been active participants in smart cities。Yang Ping, Vice president of Huawei Enterprise BG China, said that Huawei's strategic positioning in smart city construction is "the preferred partner for new smart city solutions".。In the field of smart cities, Huawei adheres to the strategy of "being integrated" and focuses on ICT infrastructure to provide the world's leading, safe and reliable ICT infrastructure。Aerospace Wisdom has strong overall capabilities in top-level design and planning, research and development, implementation and operation, and has rich experience in the field of smart cities。In order to join forces and complement each other's advantages in the field of smart cities, Huawei will conduct strategic cooperation with space Intelligence。
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Yang Ping, Vice President of Huawei Enterprise BG China, delivered a speech
Yang Ping said: "Smart city is a complex 'giant system', involving investment and financing, top-level design, integration, operation, business application, ICT infrastructure and many other links。We vigorously promote the construction and development of smart city ecosystem, through various links of enterprises in their respective fields to do their own good, and jointly provide customers with new smart city overall solutions to meet their needs。Space Intelligence and Huawei's business capabilities in the field of smart city are fully complementary. Space Intelligence can undertake project consulting planning, system integration and landing operation, and Huawei provides ICT-related solutions and products。We believe that the cooperation between the two sides will be mutually beneficial and jointly push the construction of smart cities to a new height。”
    Aerospace Wisdom Company is the leading platform of Aerospace Science and Industry Group in the field of smart city, and has established substantial cooperative relations with more than 30 cities at home and abroad。Quan Chunlai, chairman of Aerospace Science and Industry Smart Industry Development Co., LTD., said: "As the world's leading information and communication solution provider, Huawei has obvious advantages in cloud computing, big data, SDN, Internet of Things and other technology fields, and is an important force to promote the construction of smart city information。At present, Aerospace Wisdom and Huawei have carried out extensive cooperation in the construction of a number of major information engineering projects such as e-government, safe city, ICT infrastructure, and data center room construction。This signing,It marks a new stage of close cooperation and common development between the two sides,It is an important measure for the two sides to strengthen high-level strategic cooperation, jointly explore smart city business, and jointly research and develop smart city technology solutions,It is also a substantive measure to implement bilateral cooperation in the field of smart cities,It will play an important role in further complementing each other's advantages, improving the breadth and depth of cooperation, and accelerating the development of smart city-related market businesses。”
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Quan Chunlai, chairman of Aerospace Science and Industry Intelligent Industry Development Co., LTD., delivered a speech
Huawei and Space Intelligence have cooperated in a number of projects such as Zhuji Smart Home in Zhejiang Province and Zunyi Safe City in Guizhou Province,In the future, we will further deepen cooperation in the joint expansion of smart city projects and the joint development of smart application solutions,Build joint solutions in areas where both sides have strengths,Together, we provide smart city customers with complete solutions that meet their business needs。
    Huawei has accumulated a wealth of solutions and partner resources in smart city smart government affairs, safe city, smart transportation, smart education, and smart medical care, and has a wealth of case practices。Huawei provides smart government solutions for more than 40 cities including Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.Provide safe city solutions for more than 80 cities such as Hefei, Shenzhen and Beijing;Provide intelligent transportation solutions for more than 30 cities such as Shanghai, Xiamen and Changsha;Provide smart education solutions for more than 70 cities such as Shanghai, Shenzhen and Yuxi;We provide smart medical solutions for more than 50 cities such as Ningbo, Zhengzhou and Karamay。In the first four months of 2016, Huawei has won more than 20 smart city projects in 12 provinces and cities, including Hunan, Shaanxi and Jiangsu。