Focus on the "Internet +" strategy to establish a new benchmark for smart city construction

China Smart City Network 本站 2016-05-10 201

Shanghai Municipal People's Government and China Unicom Group officially signed the "Internet Plus" Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement。According to the agreement, the parties will serve "Internet Plus" andSmart cityConstruction-oriented, increase investment in innovation networks, and strive to build the world's leading information infrastructure。The two sides will jointly promote the innovative application of "Internet Plus" in various economic and social fields, and help the construction of "four centers" and science and innovation centers。

On May 4, Shanghai Municipal People's Government and China Unicom Group officially signed the Framework Agreement on Promoting "Internet Plus" Strategic Cooperation.。This is another important step forward in the full implementation of the strategic cooperation agreement signed in 2012 to promote the construction of "Smart Shanghai", and it also means that China Unicom Group has become the first basic telecom operator to sign an "Internet Plus" cooperation agreement with the Shanghai Municipal government。


Continue to invest 14 billion in the next five years

The integration and innovation of the Internet with various fields and industries has become an irresistible trend of The Times, which has a strategic and overall impact on China's economic and social development。In the face of the new normal, new Internet-based business forms are becoming a new driving force for economic growth, and the introduction of the government's "Internet +" and big data related policies will rise to the height of the national strategy。

"Internet Plus" cooperation between China Unicom and Shanghai Municipal government,The Plan will focus on the implementation of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government's "Outline of the 13th Five-Year Plan for Shanghai's National Economic and Social Development" and the "Opinions on the Implementation of Shanghai's" Internet + "Action".,We will carry out in-depth cooperation in the two major areas of actively promoting the construction of information infrastructure and striving to promote the innovative application of "Internet plus"。

China Unicom regards Shanghai as an important strategic development area,Taking the construction of key areas such as the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Shanghai International Tourism Resort as an opportunity,Upgrade the energy level of urban fiber broadband networks and high-speed mobile communication networks,Scale promotes the penetration of smart applications in all fields,An investment of 14 billion yuan in 5 years,To help realize the "Internet Plus" action plan and big data development strategy,Support the construction of Shanghai's "four centers" and a science and technology innovation center with global influence,We will promote the deep integration of the two processes,Drive industrial transformation and upgrading,We will make innovations in government service models,We will continue to enhance the fundamental role of informatization in Shanghai's international competitiveness and soft power。China Unicom will continue to improve the quality of the basic network in Shanghai, take the lead in the deployment of NB-IoT private network, plan to build a financial private network, and invest in the construction of the second International Export Bureau, green cloud IDC and other basic information facilities。

In the period from 2012 to 2016, China Unicom has invested a total of 18 billion yuan in Shanghai to promote the upgrading of Shanghai's communications infrastructure and the construction of "smart city", and has been in the smart medical, smart交通Many intelligent application fields walk in the forefront of the industry。

We will promote the development of information infrastructure

According to the agreement, the two sides will increase investment in innovation networks and strive to build world-leading information infrastructure, guided by the construction of Internet Plus services and smart cities。

In order to fully promote the speed and cost reduction in Shanghai, and build a better urban basic network with a better experience, China Unicom will implement the "dual G" plan for mobile network and broadband access in Shanghai, continue to increase the construction of wireless city and urban optical network, and continue to promote a substantial increase in broadband speed。China Unicom will deploy the three-carrier converged 4G+ network in the whole network of Shanghai, focusing on the key business areas, 5A scenic spots and transportation hubs within the outer Ring Line, and the peak network speed will increase from the current 150Mbps to 500Mbps by 2018, and reach 1Gbps by 2020。In 2016, the VoLTE function was covered in the whole city, and high-definition voice, high-definition video calling, VoWIFI and other functions were realized to improve user experience。At the same time, to further enhance the all-optical network level, the scale of the use of 10G passive optical network to implement fiber to the home network, by 2018 fiber access coverage capacity of 6 million households, by 2020 up to 7 million households。

In the next five years, China Unicom will explore the construction of the Internet of Things private network in Shanghai's multi-technology paths and modes, take the lead in deploying the NB-IoT Internet of Things private network, support the application innovation of intelligent meter reading, intelligent parking, environmental monitoring, intelligent manufacturing in the construction of Shanghai's smart city, and improve the city's operation and management capabilities and efficiency。In 2016, commercial pilot will be carried out around Shanghai Disneyland, and in 2017, a city-wide Internet of Things private network will be built, with more than 3,000 network base stations to achieve the connection capacity of hundreds of millions of scale "things"。

China Unicom will focus on the construction of Shanghai's "four centers", and build the second computer room of China Unicom Shanghai International Export Bureau of 30,000 square meters in Pujiang Town, with a total of 6 new buildings.The 90,000-square-meter China Unicom Pujiang Data Base and Lingang Cloud Data Center base promote the construction of a public cloud platform serving Shanghai's urban management and social services, a cloud platform serving key industries and a big data platform, and create a new type of infrastructure under the background of "Internet +"。By 2018, IDC data centers will have a capacity of 18,000 rack cabinets, and the cloud computing platform will support 15,600 cloud desktops/cloud hosts and 480TCloud storageBy 2020, the capacity of IDC cabinets will reach 23,000, the cloud computing platform can support 30,000 cloud desktops/cloud hosts, and has 2000T cloud storage capacity。

China Unicom plans to expand the export bandwidth of the Shanghai metropolitan area network from 1240G to 2400G in 2016,In 2018, it was expanded to 4000G,Expansion to 6000G in 2020;In 2016, international exports through the Internet in Shanghai will be increased from 145G to 185G,Expanded to 800G in 2018,In 2020, it will be expanded to 1200G。At the same time, China Unicom actively promotes the construction of international sea cable in Shanghai, and it is expected that APG submarine cable with a capacity of 5T will be put into use in 2016, and NCP submarine cable with a capacity of 10T will be put into use in 2017。

We will promote innovative applications of the Internet Plus initiative

According to the agreement, the two sides will jointly promote the innovative application of "Internet Plus" in various economic and social fields, and help the construction of "four centers" and science and innovation centers。China Unicom has defined four major positions:

The first is to innovate information services, provide support for the construction of "Internet plus" maker Spaces and smart parks, and provide support for the "Internet Plus" transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises。Building a Smart Park 2.0 platform, strengthen the in-depth cooperation with the park and commercial building operating entities, invest 200 million yuan during the agreement period, accelerate the deployment of new network architectures such as SDN, build 10 sunken cloud data centers for the park and commercial buildings, and provide services for 100 parks/commercial buildings "double creation" ICT packagesolution。Strengthen the China Unicom International Entrepreneurship Center for Mobile Internet, improve the functions of the incubation platform, and the "Internet +" incubation service covers 10 parks, 100 enterprises and 1,000 entrepreneurial individuals。Explore the open mode of big data of Unicom and promote the data modeling contest for college students品牌The basic formation of big data产品Series, become an important participant in Shanghai big data industry ecology。Build an "Internet +" cloud service platform for smes, and build an efficient and low-cost internal management system for the transformation and operation of more than 1,000 smes, as well as production extension services such as finance and government。

The second is to focus on some traditional industries such as finance, collaborative manufacturing, and commerce to realize the first trial of "Internet +" industrial application。Set up China Unicom financial application base in Shanghai, and build a financial high-speed private network connecting London, Frankfurt, Chicago and other international financial hot spots and cities, forming a differentiated competitive ability to serve the financial industry data transaction。China Unicom supports Shanghai manufacturers in implementing the "Internet + Advanced Manufacturing" initiative,Open and connected iot platforms,During the agreement period, we will strive to provide Internet manufacturing services such as Internet monitoring of industrial manufactured products, industrial big data application, and traceability management of consumer products for more than 100 industrial enterprises,Joint elevator manufacturers to build intelligent elevator cloud platform,Promote the transformation of manufacturing enterprises into service provision。China Unicom has created a 4G+ "smart shopping mall" solution to help transform the mobile Internet of Shanghai business district, and cooperated with modern business service providers to jointly create new online and offline consumption experiences for individuals。

The third is to promote the innovative application of "Internet +" in transportation, health, education, tourism, and smart home for the general public。China Unicom actively participates in the construction of the Shanghai Big Data Trading Center and carries out big data derivatives trading for innovative applications。The focus is to build WLAN infrastructure for scenic spots, hotels and business districts above 4A, participate in the construction of emergency command and dispatch platforms for scenic spots, and help the operation and monitoring of scenic spots。Develop and promote intelligent transport-related application products to provide personalized transportation reference for citizens and provide reference for government transportation route planning。China Unicom will also open and aggregate all sides of the industrial chain through capacity, relying on the "smart Wojia" product series, to provide Shanghai citizens with Internet application services in Internet education, health management, smart community O2O, home care and other related fields。

The fourth is to provide various information integration services for urban management to help improve the energy efficiency of government public services。China Unicom goes all out to build the environmentMonitoring platformThe first to complete the dust on the city's construction site onlineMonitoring systemDeployment, by the end of 2016 to achieve full coverage of key areas such as construction sites, docks, storage yards, synchronous construction of water environment monitoring systems, and gradually complete the deployment of environmental monitoring systems in key waters。China Unicom builds a private network management platform for urban public facilities to provide real-time data collection and intelligent analysis support for urban public infrastructure management such as smart meter reading, smart lighting, parking space management, charging installation and distribution, and the number of management collection terminals will exceed 1 million by 2020。Participate in the construction of Shanghai hot spot area traffic early warning system, to provide support for the prevention and early warning, rapid response and timely disposal of public events。China Unicom supports the migration of government affairs systems to the cloud based on high-quality basic network resources and cloud resources。