What happens when industrial design meets intelligent manufacturing?

China Smart City Network 本站 2016-04-27 199

 What happens when industrial design meets intelligent manufacturing?At an industry investment summit jointly sponsored by Reed Design and Guangshi Hang Seng, more than 20 chairmen and experts of industrial and intelligent manufacturing enterprises, and more than 200 elites in the investment community, looked for various possible answers。

Zhao Qiaomin, deputy team leader of the New Third Board of Guangzhou Hang Seng, pointed out that insufficient investment in industrial design is an important crux of the lack of innovation drivers in some enterprises。Coupled with the impact of traditional industry valuation, the actual valuation level of China's high-end equipment listed companies is at a low level。In 2015, only 38% of the acquired equipment enterprises PE value of more than 35, this proportion is far lower than other industries, and 33% of the acquired equipment enterprises PE value of less than 15。The potential value of these businesses has not yet been fully exploited。Compared with the manufacturing industry of European and American countries, China's industrial design产业There are hundreds of billions of yuan of market development space。

Industrial design will be an important driver

"Intelligent manufacturing is a new life force, and industrial design, as a part of it, plays a very important role.。When the manufacturing industry is facing transformation, it is extremely necessary to introduce industrial design as a driving force for innovation to cause quantitative and qualitative changes in the entire intelligent manufacturing industry。Yuan Ji, general manager and chief research officer of Hang Seng, said。

Industrial design + intelligent manufacturing 100 billion industrial market to be developed

Data show that the product design cost accounts for about 10% of the product cost, but it determines the product manufacturing cost of 70% to 80%;About 50% of product quality accidents are caused by poor design。According to Japan's Hitachi design statistics show that for every 10 million yen in sales revenue, the contribution from industrial design accounts for 52%, and the contribution from technological improvement only accounts for 21%。

According to related research reports, in addition to other cultural creativity产业In addition, Germany's industrial design industry output value accounted for 0 percent of GDP in 2009.55%, with the UK accounting for zero.18%。Assuming that China's industrial manufacturing level is close to Germany, the output value of China's industrial design market in 2015 is 3,721.900 million yuan;Assuming that it is close to the level of the United Kingdom, the output value of China's industrial design market in 2015 is 1218.0.6 billion yuan, the overall market will exceed 100 billion。

In fact, China's industrial design industry output value and Europe and the United States manufacturing power still have a long distance。According to statistics, the output value of China's industrial design industry in 2011 was only 4.6 billion yuan。

Zhao Qiaomin said that China's industrial design industry is currently in the stage of large-scale rapid growth, the overall scale of the industry is still relatively small, more than 70% of small enterprises, mainly distributed in the Bohai Sea, the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta three design industrial belt。At the same time, the industry competition pattern has not yet formed, professional industrial design companies in the new third Board is a scarce target, only three "national industrial design center" professional industrial design companies such as Ruide Design entered the capital market。

The small scale also means that there is a lot of room for development。With the state's emphasis on and strong support for the industrial design industry, industrial design helps high-end intelligent manufacturing, which will inspire unimaginable commercial innovation results。Hu Zhentao, director of Zhejiang Economic and Information Commission, introduced the "six one" policy to promote the development of industrial design in Zhejiang Province。By the end of 2015, there were 16 enterprises in Zhejiang Province that had accumulated various designs服务Revenue 5.3 billion yuan, design results transformed output value of more than 500 billion yuan。

As the chairman of the 2015 national industrial design center Reed Design, Li Qi put forward a thought-out question -- how to carry out business innovation?He believes that only by seizing customer needs and finding customer pain points can we further improve and innovate products and create products that truly meet customer needs。The core of industrial design is user research, business innovation, to provide users with the ultimate product consumption experience。

According to reports, in the past 17 years, Reed Design has continuously defined the industry with design, focused on product strategic innovation, and completed more than 1,000 innovative design projects服务The company has created more than 300 billion yuan of commercial value, and has grown together with a large number of domestic excellent manufacturing enterprises such as Fangtai, promoting the deep integration of industrial design and manufacturing。

Intelligent manufacturing faces huge market opportunities

As the core of "Made in China 2025", intelligent manufacturing is facing rapid development, and intelligent manufacturing with industrial design as the driving force for innovation will usher in a more significant period of market opportunities。

Jin Changbao, co-founder of Reed Design and judge of Germany's IF International Design Award, said that the field of 3D printing plays a pivotal role in the future development of the intelligent manufacturing industry.应用Industrial robots are an important part of building smart factories, and the industrial base is weak, and there are many opportunities。Red Design pays special attention to the development layout of frontier areas, and began to officially take 3D printing and robotics as key development areas last year。

Li Jinke, deputy director of the New Strategic robot Industry Research Institute, pointed out that the domestic robot market space is huge。

Due to the late start of the development of industrial robots in China, the basic is still in the early stage of industrialization, and the market is relatively small。Although China's industrial robots have made great progress in the past two years, foreign brands still occupy the vast majority of the market。Benefiting from the support of relevant policies and the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, the domestic industrial robot market achieved stable growth in 2015。In the first half of 2015, 11,275 industrial robots were sold, an increase of 76 percent year-on-year.8%, an increase of 27% on a comparable basis, and 66% of the total sales in 2014.5%。In 2015, the total annual sales of domestic industrial robots will exceed 20,000 units, an increase of about 40%。

Ying Hua, an expert in the 3D printing industry, said that additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3D printing, is a kind of rapid forming technology, which is based on digital model files and uses various basic materials to construct objects by stacking them layer by layer。Compared with standardized, handmade and labor-intensive traditional manufacturing, 3D printing has the characteristics of intelligence, customization, digitalization and design that is production, responding to market needs at any time。Extensive industrial design应用In the field of 3D printing。The application of 3D printing intelligent manufacturing is first in traditional medical treatment, in vitro stents, implantable models and heart stents。3D printing can even do heart printing in the future, and truly implant materials with a molecular composition similar to human tissue to replace part of human heart tissue。It has greatly improved human health and happiness。

In the face of market opportunities, the intelligent manufacturing high-end equipment industry can not keep down the inner ecstasy, have set off a wave of mergers and acquisitions。Zhao Qiaomin, deputy team leader of the New Third Board of Guangzhou Hang Seng, revealed that in 2015, listed companies in the high-end equipment industry initiated 460 mergers and acquisitions, an increase of 48 percent year-on-year.39%, of which the new third board enterprises initiated 41;The total amount involved in the merger amounted to 2,252.4.1 billion yuan, an increase of 29.76%, of which the new third board high-end equipment industry mergers and acquisitions involved 13.3 billion yuan。In the wave of high-end equipment mergers and acquisitions in 2015, whether it is listed companies or new third board enterprises, more than 80% of mergers and acquisitions are based on horizontal integration and diversification strategies。The future of intelligent manufacturing has a lot of room for development, which is determined by the current characteristics of China's industrial manufacturing industry。Plus the state issued a series of政策Support, intelligent manufacturing product development and market expansion speed can be imagined。