"Smart cities" ignite the "mass innovation" boom

China Smart City Network 本站 2016-04-26 230

With the deepening of the national policy of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", especially the implementation of the municipal government's "Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a Science and Technology Innovation Center with Global Influence", more and more Shanghai citizens have invested in the wave of science and technology innovation。The vigorous development of science and innovation center in Shanghai is inseparable from the construction of Shanghai information highway, which is composed of urban optical network as the core and smart city as the backbone。

"Mass entrepreneurship and innovation" is a prescription prescribed by the state for China's economic transformation。As China's economic development enters a new normal, taking the Internet as a means to gather Shanghai's advantages in science and technology, talent, finance, industry, etc., to promote the transformation of Shanghai into a science and technology innovative city, the science and innovation center is undoubtedly the most powerful starting point to promote this transformation。

As early as 2009, China Telecom Shanghai Company took the lead in launching the construction of "urban optical network" in the country。After years of development, Shanghai has become the country's highest Internet speed city, in the world's Internet speed ranking is also a leader。All this has also laid a solid foundation for the development of Shanghai Science and Innovation Center。

"Entrepreneurship base" helps mass entrepreneurship

On May 25 last year, the eighth plenary session of the 10th CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee deliberated and adopted the Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a Science and Technology Innovation Center with Global Influence, marking Shanghai's formal strides toward the goal of building a global innovation city。It is in this context that China Telecom Shanghai is actively promoting the construction of "Internet +"。

In order to create a good entrepreneurial environment and atmosphere for entrepreneurship in Shanghai, and provide help to more entrepreneurs, China Telecom Shanghai Company launched the national incubation action plan at the end of last year, and launched the first external incubation base -- China Telecom Entrepreneurship Base (Zhangjiang).。

Settled in Zhangjiang entrepreneurial base, "China micro film" network platform director Sun Xu told the author,The reason why we value telecom entrepreneurship base,Not only because the start-up base provides preferential policies,It is more that China Telecom Shanghai Company relies on its own rich advantages and resources in domestic Internet + construction,Helping startups grow。Director Sun told the author that in addition to providing fully configured office environment and characteristic telecom resources for the startups settled in, Tianyi Venture Capital also provides free telecom incubation resources services worth 30,000 to 50,000 yuan for the entrepreneurial projects settled in, and actively creates an ecological incubator based on the operator's industrial background。

Take "China Micro film" as an example, as a micro film content provider, although it has rich content resources。However, because the company has just started, no matter the capital or visibility is not high, it is obviously impossible to "burn money" than large companies to advertise。How to expand their customer base, which is a problem for all startups。China Telecom, with its large customer base and good reputation, can help entrepreneurs make up for this weakness。

Sun Xu said that in the Internet era, eyeballs have become a very scarce resource, and it is very difficult for start-ups to complete the initial accumulation of users, and the most commonly used method is advertising。But the investment is huge, and some companies take a year to accumulate the first 1,000 users。After obtaining the push channel of China Telecom, he expects to accumulate 20,000 users in a year, which is equivalent to reducing the growth period of the enterprise by half。

As we all know, the first step is the hardest。Especially for minimally invasive enterprises, due to the fact that they are unable to compare with Internet giants in terms of capital and visibility, although they have good ideas and products, they are often "kept in the boudoir".。And now can stand on the shoulders of such giants as China Telecom Shanghai company, for entrepreneurs, it is undoubtedly a multiplier effect with half the effort。

Promote the Internet + Innovation alliance

Under the guidance of Shanghai Municipal Economic and Information Commission, the Shanghai "Internet +" innovation and Development Alliance, formed by China Telecom Shanghai and many industry leaders, has attracted the attention of entrepreneurs since its establishment。It is reported that Microsoft, Nielsen, IBM, Fudan University and many other companies, schools and institutions have joined the alliance。

Mr. Feng, the founder of a start-up software company in Shanghai, told the author that because start-ups generally have limited funds, and the required office and professional software is as little as thousands to hundreds of thousands of yuan, it is indeed a very heavy burden。Mr. Feng told me that in the past, many start-ups had to use pirated software to save costs。However, with the enhancement of copyright awareness in China, the use of pirated software not only hides security risks such as viruses and trojans, but also faces legal sanctions。

"Also, as an entrepreneur, we hate piracy。Now China Telecom Shanghai company to provide entrepreneurs with preferential price information services, can let the company with a reasonable price to get genuine software services, is really the best of both worlds。”

The author learned that China Telecom Shanghai Company provides IT network services, cloud office applications and other information services for entrepreneurial enterprises, and truly realizes the "cloud" office。In June 2015, China Telecom cooperated with IT giant Microsoft to launch the "China Telecom Windows Azure Cloud Application Store", which is committed to solving the software application development and distribution of SaaS(software as a service) layer for small and medium-sized enterprises in the cloud era。By bringing together small and medium-sized software developers, build a customer-facing third-party independent SaaS service trading platform。

It is reported that China Telecom Windows Azure cloud Application Store is the cloud application platform that provides the largest number of SaaS services in China。Up to now, the "China Telecom Windows Azure Cloud Application Store" has received a total of 47 ISVs (independent software developers) applications, and 28 have been successfully settled, and 53 applications have been launched。

Taking Microsoft's flagship software Office as an example, entrepreneurs will enjoy three months of free Office365 service, which includes mail processing, file sharing, instant messaging, video network conferencing and a series of collaborative office functions。

At present, many entrepreneurs in Shanghai have chosen to use various types of enterprise management and office software provided by China Telecom Windows Azure cloud application store, so that they are not inferior to large companies on the road to informatization。Mr. Feng's company is also preparing to move its software to the Windows Azure cloud app store, from users to developers。It can not only attract more entrepreneurs to join the Windows Azure cloud application family, but also share rich profits from this ecological chain。

In addition to infrastructure and software services, China Telecom Shanghai also opens the "China Telecom Shanghai Big Data Experimental Platform" for entrepreneurs engaged in big data product development, that is, open data resources, sharing telecom data with entrepreneurs and realizing data reuse。The program is also known as the "Big Data T Plan."。As the leading operator in Shanghai market share, China Telecom Shanghai has successfully used its own data advantages to participate in public affairs such as holiday crowd warning。China Telecom Shanghai will continue to tap the value behind these big data and provide support for startups。

Mr. Feng told the author that innovative enterprises have a great demand for big data in order to open up new markets。Paradoxically, this data is often kept in the hands of only a few big companies。Whether it is Google and Apple abroad, or Alibaba and Tencent in China, they all regard the big data they have accumulated with their hard work as a treasure, which is naturally impossible to share with others。

In order to support entrepreneurs, China Telecom Shanghai company will own the accumulation of massive big data to share with entrepreneurs。These data cover the location, traffic flow to keyword search popularity, APP user characteristics and other content, through the processing and analysis of these data can provide important decision support for enterprises。

Urban optical network creates new demand for Internet +

When it comes to the future direction of Internet + development, the most popular concept in recent years is undoubtedly VR virtual reality。What impact is VR likely to have on various industries? According to a recent report published by Goldman Sachs, the VR market will be worth $80 billion by 2025。No wonder international giants such as Facebook and Google, as well as domestic companies such as BAT, are actively involved in this hot industry。

Mr. Xu of Green Net World Network Technology Co., LTD., has always been very interested in VR。According to Mr. Xu, although the current domestic Internet industry compared to the United States there is still a certain gap, but for VR or 4K such a new technology, the gap between the domestic and international advanced level is not large, can rely on the advantage of late to achieve corner overtaking。

For a new technology such as VR, the most critical point to success is the level of urban information infrastructure construction。According to Mr. Xu, many users on mobile phones are still watching 360P videos, and the bandwidth requirement of 360P is about 500K。At 720P, it's 1.5 megabytes, 1080P has doubled to 3 megabytes, 4K TV needs 30 megabytes of bandwidth, and VR needs more network bandwidth than 4K。For now, China Telecom Shanghai's popular 4K HD IPTV requires at least 50 Mbit/s of bandwidth。If VR wants to get a good development in China, 100 megabit broadband will become the standard for Shanghai citizens in the future。

Take Mr. Xu engaged in online education products as an example, after the use of VR technology, students as long as they wear VR displays such as Oculus Rift, no matter what subjects they learn, they can experience their situation。For example, when studying history, students can walk through the Roman Colosseum to experience the rise and fall of the Roman Empire。For the three-dimensional geometry problem that has troubled generations of students, with VR technology, students can easily see geometric figures, and the three-dimensional graphics that originally need to be "imagined" are truly turned into reality, and VR technology makes all courses lively。

Mr. Xu said: "Although the current Internet education has also achieved good results, but compared with the traditional classroom teaching gap is not particularly large, to a large extent still rely on excellent teachers.。VR technology will play a revolutionary role in helping students understand teaching content and master relevant knowledge。”

Mr. Xu told me that he has several friends who are devoted to the development of VR technology。After professional comparative testing, the 100 megabit broadband currently promoted by China Telecom Shanghai can successfully meet the needs of VR technology。If you use the newly launched 200M broadband, you will achieve a more perfect effect。

As the No. 1 project of the municipal government this year, the Science and Innovation Center carries the future direction of Shanghai's urban development。It means that Shanghai should find the real driving force for future development through scientific and technological innovation, and participate in the increasingly fierce global competition in the future with strong scientific and technological innovation strength。The competition of scientific and technological innovation is in essence a high-level, comprehensive and complex strength competition。For China, it also means a comprehensive transformation of growth drivers and development models。

With the unremitting efforts of China Telecom Shanghai Company in the construction of Tianyi Venture Capital, Internet + Innovation Alliance and urban optical network infrastructure, more and more entrepreneurs in Shanghai continue to challenge the market through this platform, innovation and change, and a large number of excellent start-ups with great potential have emerged。Although they are still a little immature, but with the profound heritage of the Oriental pearl of Shanghai, coupled with the full help of China Telecom Shanghai company in all aspects, a number of world-leading innovative enterprises will emerge in the future。