"Intelligent manufacturing" has created a new driving force for Chinese manufacturing

China Smart City Network 本站 2016-04-21 220

The added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 5.The growth rate of strategic emerging industries and high-tech industries reached 10% and 9% respectively.The output of steel and coal, two key industries to resolve overcapacity, fell by 3 percent, respectively.2%和5.3%, this is the industrial operation in the first quarter of the answer。Through these data, we can see that in the transition period of old and new power, although the overall growth rate has slowed down, with the steady progress of resolving excess capacity, new industries and new products to maintain rapid growth, the new development momentum of industrial operation is accelerating the accumulation, and the path to the middle and high end is gradually clear。

The outline of the "13th Five-Year Plan" clearly points out that the implementation of the strategy of manufacturing power, promote the deep integration of information technology and manufacturing technology, promote the development of the manufacturing industry towards high-end, intelligent, green and service direction, and cultivate new competitive advantages in the manufacturing industry。Through the development of new technologies and new forms of business to cultivate and strengthen new growth drivers, with intelligent manufacturing as the starting point to promote industrial transformation and upgrading, is the meaning of China's accelerated development of the new economy, but also pointed out the development direction for industrial operation。

After more than 30 years of sustained and rapid development, the original extensive development model of China's industry has met the "ceiling", and now it is time to create a new development model and find new economic growth points。China has more than 200 kinds of industrial products output ranked first in the world, the scale of traditional industry is quite large, in the early stage of industrial structure adjustment, the traditional model was affected, the power conversion has not been completed, the short-term industrial growth rate will decline, and other economies in the world have basically gone through this process。In this context, the decline of China's industrial growth rate is acceptable, and it is a necessary stage for industrial development to move towards medium-high end。At present, the development of China's manufacturing industry has entered an important threshold of climbing through the barrier and becoming stronger from a large scale. Across this threshold, the key lies in the progress and effectiveness of structural adjustment, and the smooth conversion of old and new driving forces, improving effective supply, and enhancing the internal economic driving forces。

According to the outline of the 13th Five-Year Plan,We will foster new competitive advantages in manufacturing,We will speed up the development of new manufacturing industries,Implement intelligent manufacturing engineering,We will accelerate the development of key technologies and equipment for intelligent manufacturing,Cultivate and promote a new intelligent manufacturing model;We will promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries,We will carry out major technological upgrading projects in the manufacturing industry,To achieve a group breakthrough in key areas to the middle and high end。Intelligent manufacturing and emerging industries have become the starting point and breakthrough for the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry。In fact, this development path is becoming a conscious choice for the development of industry everywhere。Since The State Council issued the "Made in China 2025" in May last year,More than 20 provinces have introduced docking policies and plans,Among them, the development of a new generation of information technology and equipment, high-end CNC machine tools and robots and other emerging industries,Statements such as promoting intelligent manufacturing as the main direction to accelerate the development and upgrading of the manufacturing industry have appeared many times。

Not only is the local effort to promote, in the planning and support policies at the national level, the promotion of technological innovation, intelligent manufacturing, a number of special actions are moving from paper to action。The "Intelligent Manufacturing Pilot Demonstration 2016 special Action Implementation Plan" has been issued,Will focus on manufacturing critical links,In key areas and industries with conditions and foundations,Select pilot demonstration projects;"Industrial strong base 2016 special action implementation plan" pointed out,Guide all kinds of factors to gather in industrial base areas,Focus on breaking through about 40 kinds of iconic core basic parts, key basic materials, advanced basic technology;Robot is an important support and support for intelligent manufacturing,The "Robot Industry Development Plan (2016-2020)" issued recently has clarified the main tasks such as vigorously developing key robot components and strengthening industrial basic capabilities。

From the central to local governments, the policy system to promote the transformation of old and new driving forces in industrial operation has been laid out, creating a good policy environment for the transformation and upgrading of industrial enterprises。Looking at the support policies introduced, the development of key core technologies is the key word that cannot be sidestepped, and it is also a key part of China's promotion of intelligent manufacturing and the creation of new growth drivers for development. To successfully cross this stage, innovation is the fundamental solution。Intelligent manufacturing is a complex giant system, which is the subversion and reconstruction of the industry by the Internet of Things, and puts forward higher requirements for technological innovation。Only by increasing investment in technological innovation and taking the lead in gaining technological advantages in the field of intelligent manufacturing can industrial enterprises take the lead in this round of technological change and boost the Chinese economy to achieve "curve overtaking".。

Nowadays, the competition of manufacturing industry in the world is essentially the competition of standard and quality。Standardization is the driving force of innovation, leading the direction of the industry through industry standards, enhancing the discourse power of China's manufacturing industry in the world through standard competition, is a key part of China's manufacturing industry from big to strong。An important reason why China is a manufacturing country but not a manufacturing power is that the standards of China's manufacturing industry are still relatively backward, and the quality of many products is still in the middle and low end。To build a strong manufacturing country, we must have advanced standards as a support, improve the manufacturing standards system, resolutely eliminate substandard products, improve the quality and efficiency of the product supply system, and support the manufacturing industry to improve quality and efficiency and enhance international competitiveness。