Smart city: The future is here, and stylish living is no longer out of reach

China Smart City Network 本站 2016-04-13 243

Think about it,Guided by intelligent systems,Walk into the door,You can control your smart home,Automatic curtain opening and closing,Adjust the light color according to your mood;Drive out,Can be guided by intelligent terminal,Easily and quickly find a parking space;Just call emergency services,The smart health system will immediately analyze the location of the patient,And under the guidance of the car navigation system,Emergency vehicles sped to their destination。

All this is the convenience and fashion that smart cities bring to life, and in many places, such life is becoming a reality。Smart cities are no longer far away from us, and in the near future, people can get clothes, food, housing and medical care and pension with a card in smart cities。

Countries around the world are implementing smart cities

So what is a smart city?Smart cities refer to the use of advanced next-generation information and communication technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, and broadband networks,Manage the operation of the city in an integrated and systematic manner,Make the various functions work in harmony with each other;Through the interconnection, information sharing and collaborative operation among various information systems in the city,Integrate and optimize various resources,So as to realize the scientific and sustainable development of the city。

From a global perspective, the construction of smart cities has mainly experienced three stages: first, it is a technology-based smart city with digital technology as the center, focusing on advanced information and communication technology research and development and infrastructure construction;The second is a managed smart city centered on municipal management to improve the efficiency of urban management and operation。Third, humanistic smart city based on the humanities science to enhance the city's livability and humanistic care。

In recent years, the smart city strategy has been implemented in various countries around the world and has achieved rapid development。According to ABI Research, the global market for smart cities will grow from $8 billion in 2010 to $39 billion in 2016。The European Union has formulated a framework for smart cities, the United States has proposed an economic stimulus plan to strengthen the construction of smart infrastructure and promote smart application projects, South Korea and Japan have launched national strategic plans for U-Korea and U-Japan, and Singapore has proposed a plan to build a "smart country" in 2015。

Among the existing smart city examples, Berlin and Barcelona have their own characteristics。Berlin has put forward the "Action Plan for Electric Vehicles 2020", one of the important projects is the car2go project of Mercedes-Benz smart。In the project, registered users can rent vehicles equipped with intelligent STalling/starting systems, air conditioning and navigation systems in an area of approximately 250 square kilometers, drive these vehicles for as long as they wish, and then return the cars at any public parking lot within the operation area。In Barcelona, Spain, there is a popular garbage disposal tank technology with a smart sensing system。The characteristic of this garbage disposal box technology is that it will actively send a signal when it is fully loaded, and the staff will arrange and distribute the travel frequency and route of the garbage carrier according to the signal sent by it, so as to improve the efficiency of garbage disposal。

China will unleash the huge potential of smart cities in the future

Throughout the world, China is becoming the country with the most potential for smart city development。With the acceleration of urbanization, Chinese cities have entered a stage of rapid development, and "urban disease" has become increasingly apparent. City managers are eager to effectively alleviate "urban disease" while maintaining rapid urban development.。The emergence of smart cities undoubtedly provides a realistic path for realizing the beautiful Chinese dream。

Since 2012, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has carried out three batches of national smart city pilot work on the basis of more than ten years of digital city work with digital urban management as the core, combined with the strategic deployment of new urbanization。2015年3月25日,国务院发布《关于落实<政府工作报告>重点工作部门分工的意见(国发【hga皇冠注册下载首页】14号)》,提出“发展智慧城市,保护和传承历史、地域文化。We will strengthen urban water, gas, and power supply, public transportation, and flood and waterlogging prevention facilities。Resolutely control urban diseases such as pollution and congestion, make travel more convenient and the environment more livable ", and clearly led by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the construction of smart cities has entered a new stage。As of September 2015, 95% of China's sub-provincial and above cities, 76% of prefecture-level and above cities, a total of about 500 cities have proposed or are under construction smart cities。According to statistics, by the end of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", the investment scale of China's entire smart city industry chain is expected to reach 2 trillion yuan。2016 is the first year of the country's 13th Five-Year Plan。Relevant planning shows that the total scale of investment in smart cities will exceed 500 billion yuan。

The Internet of Things is the main form of smart city construction in China。At present, more than half of the smart cities under construction in China, the application projects for public safety, transportation, medical, community, environmental protection, underground pipe network, water, education, etc., are based on automatic perception, data collection as the means, enabling control as the core, fine management and service improvement as the purpose, to achieve comprehensive integrated applications。Experts suggest that the construction of new urbanization and smart city should be promoted at a deep level, and a unified construction and management mechanism for Internet of Things devices and application systems should be established in smart cities, and the application of the Internet of Things in infrastructure management, public utility management, energy management, environmental protection, traffic management, public safety and other fields should be vigorously promoted。

China's smart city construction has entered a period of rapid development, and by promoting the open sharing of public information resources and enhancing the mobility of data resources, it will create huge social and economic value。However, there are still some problems in China's smart city construction, such as imperfect laws and regulations, low degree of information openness, and obstacles in interconnection, which need to be solved urgently in the future smart city construction。

Meet MWC Shanghai to experience the charm of smart city

The construction of smart cities, only the support at the national level is not enough, the government, operators and ICT companies need to cooperate in order to maximize the effectiveness。In particular, the improvement of the industrial chain is crucial to the development of smart cities。

In China, telecom operators have given strong support to smart cities in terms of infrastructure。Taking China Telecom as an example, according to China Telecom data, it has signed some cooperation agreements with 180 provinces and more than 200 municipal governments in the country to build smart cities。In 2016, China Telecom will achieve all-optical network coverage to help the construction of smart cities。

In June 2016, MWC Shanghai will be held in Shanghai as scheduled, when the organizer will cooperate with the International Smart City Expo · Shanghai Pudong to set up a special smart city experience area, so that visitors can have the opportunity to experience the convenience and fashion brought by the smart city。At the same time, the GSMA Innovation City, which has been on display for four consecutive years, will once again be a highlight of the show, where attendees will experience the charm of technology, especially how mobile connected products and services can change People's Daily lives in the home, automotive, medical, agricultural and industrial applications。Innovation City partners include Akyumen, DTS, Huawei, Intel, Korea Telecom, NAES and Thinfilm。

International Smart City Expo · Shanghai Pudong is sponsored by the China Society for Urban Studies led by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, which will bring more policy interpretation in line with the construction and development of China's smart cities, and many government procurement missions will implement the docking of government and enterprise。At the same time, many operators and ICT manufacturers from Asia and even the world will gather at MWC Shanghai to showcase the latest smart city products and technologies。Let's meet at MWC Shanghai in June and experience the life of wisdom together。